Industrial IoT

      Deploy the Industrial Internet of Things, which can connect electric actuators to the internet. The Internet of Things platform can collect key information such as status data, action data, self diagnosis data, valve position, torque, etc. of electric actuators, which is extremely beneficial for the analysis and management of key industrial sites. It is also possible to connect low-density electric actuators arranged in a wide area to the Internet of Things, and achieve automation of electric valves through backend control logic.

      The supported protocols are:NB-IoT、LoRA、4G、WIFI.

DCL执行器 物联网应用
接入物联网的电动阀门 | Electrical Actuator Valve in Iot

Alibaba IoT

IoT solution based on Alibaba Cloud IoT
Reliable Platform
Secure Data Protection

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Self Host Deployment

Based on Jetlinks, self deployed
Platform and data on your own control
Can deploy Local Internet of Things

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Managed Lease

Based on DCL deployed Alibaba IoT platform, implement you IoT as a service.
Rapid testing of IoT application scenarios at extremely low cost
After the IoT scenario matures, it can be transferred to deployment.

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Chen Gong * DCL Huayi Intelligent Control